• ― a selective private canon character ANAKIN SKYWALKER for the Star Wars universe including verses in modern, Arthurian, and more. originally est. july 2021 mutuals only. remembered by emrys.

 note  :   anakin is very au and is based on his pre fall. his main verses are based on "what if anakin skywalker did not fall to the dark side." please respect this au and do not try to pressure into playing canon anakin. i have done extensive research on Anakin to make him the way he is

 #01  :   I've been writing this muses for over ten years. This is a multifandom, multiverse, multishipping, crossover duplicate & oc friendly account.

 #02  :   I am a MULTI para writer who can use icons. My average in a thread ranges from one to three paras. I can do novella, but only if I have major muse. The best way to interact with me is through memes or interact with the starter call on the pinned. Feel free to continue the thread in a separate thread.

 #03  :   Any drama, hate, callouts/callout culture or anything else of the sort will be not tolerated. I also do not approve of account policing, ship hate, vague posting, xenophobia, force shipping, homophobia, graphic / reply stealing, and pressuring of any sort. There is a block button for a reason.

 #04  :   I am mutually exclusive only. mutuals must be 21+, I do not follow without a rules page, mun's age or age range present, and a bio of the character(s). i read rules and bios before following. Mun's that interact with minors will be blocked.

 #05  :   I also do have mains or affiliates. I am not solely exclusive to them and will roleplay with doubles or the muses that are the same. I will not do exclusives for any muse.

 #06  :   I am not affiliated with any of the celebrities depicted or anything associated with the fandoms I portray. However, I do own the headcanons and original lore I come up with. Please do not steal my headcanons or info I have created, including graphics.

 #08  :   all manips and edits are mine unless stated. psds i use are from waatson & calisources. promo is from smolresources. icon template, b1gtimerush1

 #09  :   No godmodding my muses thoughts, actions, or relationship. oc muses that have godmodding in their bios towards anakin in anyway, please do not follow me. I will hard block back, this a boundary i am not willing to bend on.

 #10  :   Shipping will be with muns that are over the age of 21.. if the thread is headed to that direction, i will always dm the mun to speak about it. muses must be at least 18. platonic relationships are more than welcome. all ships are in separate verses. (multi-verse and multi-shipped) please do not hop into my dms asking about shipping right away. force shipping will result in a block.

 #11  :   I am a slow responder. I do attend college half time and help with my sister with her kids. i ask for patience when it comes to replies. it could take one to two months for replies. i get to everyone eventually. if you need fast replies and a mun that is high activity, then this is not the blog for you. I am largely queue based and this blog is set to have replies come out every three - four days.

 #12  :   FAMILIAL OCS. Please do not assume a character to be a relation to any of my characters unless it's been discussed and heavily plotted beforehand. If your character is an oc sibling / child / etc., my character will not know them unless we've discussed this and have come to an agreement. canon relations are allowed.

 #13  :   The NSFW tag is: tba. I only do full-blown sex/smut scenes with trusted partners who I have established ships with or / and have spoken about triggers and limits. smut threads are story driven only and can happen on the dash.

 #14  :   If you decide to break mutuals, please hardblock me. I will also soft-block those I do not want to follow back, I do this if I can't see us interacting. I reserve the right to block to curate my own experience and if uncomfortable.

 #15  :   There are heavy triggers topics on this blog and due to this, i will not write with anyone under the age of 21.

 #16  :   Reflecting on the drama rule, do not evade my blocking my asking my mutuals why i did so. i do not tolerate people causing issues or having my mutuals play the middle man. if there is an issue that can be resolved, please come to me directly if possible.

 NAME  :   anakin skywalker
 ALIAS  :   the chosen one, jaxson turner, hero without fear
 AGE  :   april13, 41 bby |18+
 GENDER  :   male, he / him / they
 SEXUALITY  :   pansexual & demi - sexual
 FACECLAIM  :   hayden christensen
 OCCUPATION  :   jedi knight | jedi master | scavenger | general of the rebellion
 BIRTHPLACE  :   tatooine
 CURRENT HOME  :   coruscant / sriluur
 LANGUAGE(S)  :   amatakka, huttese, ryl, basic, binary, nubaé, alda, neimoidian, rodian, kaminoan, chandrilan, mando'a, togruti, mirialan, and shyriiwook
 PARENTS  :  shmi skywalker; the force
 SIBLINGSI  :   only child (verse dependant)
 OTHERS  :   padme amidala, violet skywalker (verse dependant)

a vergence in the force, skywalker was born on the desert planet of tatooine in the outer rim territories in 41 bby. he was the son of shmi skywalker, a slave who conceived a child without a father.

his blood contained over twenty-thousand midi-chlorians, surpassing that of grand master yoda and all other jedi in the galaxy. qui-gon jinn, the jedi master who discovered skywalker during the invasion of naboo in 32 bby, theorized that skywalker was conceived by the midi-chlorians.
following the battle of naboo, the jedi high council admitted skywalker into the order as the padawan of jedi knight obi-wan kenobi despite feeling that he was too old and emotional to adhere to the jedi code.
during the early days of the clone wars, skywalker served as a jedi general in the grand army of the republic, commanding the clone troopers of the elite 501st legion against the confederacy of independent systems. he also oversaw the jedi training of his own apprentice, ahsoka tano, after receiving his knighthood.when the events of attack of the clones occurred, anakin caved in for his feelings for padme. coming off awkwardly to the former queen, he entertained the thought of being with her while amidala struggled to give in. her speech on naboo eventually did make him think about their futures. even after she admitted her feelings to anakin, later after the whole ordeal with the arena - he confessed he couldn't give up his path as a jedi and it would be selfish of them to continue. they split up after and remained friends.after the arena, anakin was made the rank of knight and had a padawan, ahsoka tano. during this time he matured greatly and after she left the order, he still kept his loyalties to the jedi. it was during this time he started to become suspicious of palpatine's grooming.during order sixty six, anakin was separated from obi wan so palpatine could try to turn him fully to the dark side by revealing himself, but failed after skywalker confronted him. this is because he listened to obi wan's teachings and took them to heart. after telling master windu of palpatine's deceit, he ran to the council chambers to help windu despite him being told to stay. there in the chancellor's chambers he faced his like image, a clone that was breed from his dna. the two fought and skywalker barely made it out alive. injured he went to the jedi temple after seeing the smoke only to find his brother in arms, the clones turning on his brother and sisters, the jedi.anakin managed to escape with a few of the younglings and went to sriluur to lay low. there he shut off his force powers for two years while he grieved everyone he lost or thought he did. it wasn't until qui gon jinn showed his face, did he reattempt to connect again. through his mentor he learned how to slow his aging process down while he built his homestead close to a town that was overrun by the black sun. there he slowly drove out the thugs and in turn the people there swore their loyalty to him. anakin then changed his name to jaxson turner and built a different saber with a purple blade.

VERSE 1 - before my garment lost its white -rots au!
jedi knight in the mist of the clone wars and on. verse can include him being given the rank of master and being allowed to live his life.
VERSE 2 - before my free me of this anger - order 66 suriver / exile survivor of order 66 and forced into exile by his clone, vader. anakin goes to sriluur with the surviving younglings and changes his name to jaxxson turner.VERSE 3 - a stranger who could be a friend - sequels au!
anakin was a hero of the rebellion when he helped his son, luke skywalker killed vader and brought down the emperor. seeing as he was no longer needed and despite leia's pleads, he went back into exile on jakku to live in peace. there he keeps to himself and uses the cover of a scavenger. unknownst to him, times turn perilous and draws Skywalker back into the conflict.
VERSE 4 - bond through pain - affiliated w. skysaunter
anakin is the twin brother of vader and is separated from him after leaving to join the jedi order. little does he know that palaptine has kidnapped his brother and trained him in the arts of the dark side.
VERSE 5 - it all revolves around you - affiliated w. valorums
anakin finds himself as a dyad to the force with shi’al finnis valorum and his whole world is turned upside down after palaptine's untimely death.

 NAME  :   jacob aeron prowell
 ALIAS  :   aeron jacob myricks
 AGE  :   april 13th 1992 | 18+
 GENDER  :   male, he / him / they
 SEXUALITY  :   pansexual (male lean) / demi - sexual
 FACECLAIM  :   hayden christensen
 OCCUPATION  :   hired gun | mercenary | high end security officer
 BIRTHPLACE  :   carmarthen, wales, uk
 CURRENT HOME  :   new york city | cardiff, wales, uk
 LANGUAGE(S)  :   welsh, old english, irish, some french
 PARENTS  :  beca myricks & cadgon prowell
 SIBLINGSI  :   violet myricks (verse dependant)
 OTHERS  :   shmi skywalker (aunt); anakin skywalker (cousin)

becca myricks maiden name was skywalker. being born as shmi's twin, she like her sister was sold into slavery. before shmi moved to tatooine however, becca escaped with the help of cadgon prowell, a crime lord on earth. unknowing how cruel the man was, she left him with him after he freed her. shortly after arriving on earth, she found out she was pregnant with aeron and fled wales going to phoenix after jacob was born and ultimately falling for her boyfriend carl.

jacob aeron prowell was renamed aeron jacob myricks after his mother changed her legal name of skywalker to myricks and told his father was her boyfriend at the time carl rice to elude his birth father because of being a crime lord. he was raised in phoenix, arizona for the first five years of his life. she was running from his real father who still lived in wales. when anakin was five, his mother fled again with her son, fearing for her life as carl abused both of them. it was during this time myricks first used magic and teleported. his mother found her son after he disappeared from the house in front of her. he was at a nearby park- swinging on a swing in the dead of night. this was after his carl tried to lay hands on his mother in front of him.his mother, who is a force senstive by lineage and blood, passed on the ability to him, (on earth the force manifests as magic) but hid this from her son in fear of him remembering his past life and merlin due to her memories of her past self resurfacing. this was to prevent him from searching out the warlock because his real father, prowell was still alive and had magic himself.he didn't know she created wards around him so his magic and memories (of his past life) would stay at bay. which would fail later on after she passed.they moved from place to place before settling in california and then new york. myricks would often get in trouble during this time and ended up running with a violent gang, much to his mother’s distress. it was during a raid by another gang was his mother was killed in front of him because he slept with the gang’s leader’s daughter, but this was actually planned by cadgon to draw his son to him. she died in his arms. he moved back in with carl after his mother was buried, but left shortly after to take over the rent at the small studio after being emancipated.after he fell with the ruthless politician cadgon prowell after being arrested for a bar fight. having watched him from the shadows, he waited til he was eighteen to reveal himself and brought him back to the uk. grooming him, he was forced into servitude as his mercenary until the day cadgon died when he was twenty-one.. sometime later, sheev was killed in an assassin attempt freeing aeron from his contact.he later dreams of merlin after the spell his mother used started to crumble and tracked the warlock down to london. calling on the warlock, he lures him back to new york. aeron finds out his magic is instinctive and largely elemental like emrys, but his is not nearly as strong. reunited with merlin, the sorcerer breaks the seals in his mind causing a surge of memories to break free.

VERSE 1 - what's your name/ modern & marvel
aeron is warlock who works as a hired gun. he starts to remember his past life as jacob prowell, knight of camelot. with the help of merlin, he regains the sense of his former self.
VERSE 2 - better have my money / star wars au!
aeron wakes up on coruscant after using a teleportation spell. confused, the mercenary has to learn how to adapt to his new world and learns the ways of the bounty hunters. all while trying to understand that earth has been shielded from the rest of the universe.
VERSE 3 - million years / rwrb
aeron is thrust into the royal family after his father dies and the king forces him to gain some titles that his father held, though he is not related to prince henry in any way. he is made the duke of newport. the press goes nuts with this new handsome royal even if all aeron wants to do is play video games and resort to his mischievous ways.
VERSE 4 - you make me wanna... - affiliated w. desireandduty
aeron myricks is reborn after jacob dies a few years after padme's death in childbirth. becoming her personal body guard, he fights the desire to be close to amidala in this life.

 NAME  :   jacob aeron prowell
 ALIAS  :   aeron jacob myricks
 AGE  :   april 13th 430ad | 18 - 29
 GENDER  :   male, he / him / they
 SEXUALITY  :   pansexual (male lean) / demi - sexual
 FACECLAIM  :   hayden christensen
 OCCUPATION  :   knight of the round table | farm boy | former knight of uther pendragon
 BIRTHPLACE  :   camelot, albion
 CURRENT HOME  :   camelot, albion
 LANGUAGE(S)  :   welsh, irish, celtic, common brittonic
 PARENTS  :  beca myricks & cadgon prowell
 SIBLINGSI  :   violet prowell (verse dependant)
 OTHERS  :   none

he is the only son of cadgon prowell, a ruthless duke in the border of camelot’s land. his mother beca myricks was a druid woman, whom was forced to marry prowell after he sought her for an heir to his titles and position. the result was anakim being born to a very happy duke. jacob's real birth name is aeron jacob myricks, but because of his father being a strict devout christian man, his legal name is jacob aeron prowell.

later on, he would take the name of aeron myricks in honor of his mother after he was knighted by his king, arthur pendragon.in private, his mother taught him how to control his magic. at the age of nine, she was sentenced to death for practicing her healing craft. a distraught jacob blamed his father because he knew her roots and people. jacob had the finest education but at a young age he expressed wanting to serve the crown as a knight.this was to his father's dismay as he didn't want to have him in service. thinking it as a passing phase he allowed him to become an apprentice. often, he fights with his father due to his belief he is too cruel.jacob is also the friend of merlin and has been best friends with arthur since childhood. he swore his loyalty to him at the age of 10 before he became an apprentice. upon being knighted by king uther, he decided to bring further shame to his father by taking his mother’s last name instead of his father’s. a year before his son ascended the throne, he was stripped of his titles and knighthood at the request of his father. this forced him to buy a small cottage and work on a farm to barely make end meats since uther would not hire him as a servant. during this time, cadgon sent assassins to take him out because of the shame he brought him. when arthur became king, he reinstated his knighthood. pendragon took it a step further and took sheev's lands along with his titles - giving them all to jacob.

VERSE 1 - you play the part of savior - arthurian
jacob prowell is a knight then losts everything at his father's hand, he is then forced to be a farmboy to make ends meat. when arthur becomes king, he is redeemed and made a knight of arthur's court until his death at twenty eight by morgana's hands
VERSE 2 - i'll be your hero - affiliated w. desireandduty
jacob prowell falls in love with his best friend over the years and finally gets bold enough before his father is killed to be with padme and confess his feelings. after cadgon dies, he proposes to amidala and the two get married only to find out he was not the only child cadgon had.

valorumsshi’al valorumcallieaffiliates
desireanddutypadme amidalaamymain
shadowedlightsobi wan kenobishadowmain
theresastargirlophelia smithmegmain
mvndrvkeshmi skywalkerlunamain